Pennsylvanians are tough people! The partial meltdown at TMI in 1979...A friend posted an article from "PennLive" this morning talking about the partial meltdown of the Nuclear Reactor in Pennsylvania in 1979. She recalls it as a memory of something big happening that turned into an adventure. So, her memories and how she energetically carries that event are positive. I have memories like that from a number of "big" events ranging from serious floods in the 70's, TMI meltdown, and so forth. Our parents and the people who influenced our sense of safety were able to navigate their response to an emergency without developing a story of trauma. But, some people commented that they have very different and unpleasant memories. I've heard people describe past "disasters"like this in ways that show they still hold the energy as trauma. This is critical and tells me that we as people, parents, community members have CHOICE (ie: power, control) over the way we manage our emotions, thoughts, and actions today as we experience the COVID19 pandemic. We have CHOICE whether we carry this as trauma for ourselves and how we pass this onto the next generations to come. However our parents or we as individuals knew how to respond in emergencies which occurred in the past does not have to determine how we respond now. I didn't realize till very recently that I learned how to respond positively, cope and provide calm leadership during emergencies. As a teen I became a lifeguard and water safety instructor (even though my Mom was terrified of water and couldn't swim). When the hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast in 2005 I was an early responder and went from Pennsylvania to Louisiana to help leadership and provide direct service in a large shelter in Monroe LA. I think I did a good job helping my children feel safe when 911 struck even though a plane hit in Pennsylvania and many of us wondered if TMI could be a target. Today, I feel a strong urgency to provide leadership and service. But, there is no single "location" .... this is the entire world that is experiencing a threat to life as we know it. So, I will continue to post information and create videos that will help us stay calm, find opportunity, and navigate our way through this world pandemic. I have also created some small group intensives that include private sessions which I will offer through live video format to anyone around the globe who wants or needs more personal support so that you go "BEYOND SURVIVING TO THRIVING." I encourage all of you to reach out to mental health professionals, health and fitness professionals, and innovative leaders for support so that you come through this healthy and strong! It's not just Pennsylvanians that are tough...we all can be!
AuthorAt pivotal times in my life I've had the privilege to help those in need. Here are some reflections on those experiences. Archives |